Gay Childhood Christmas Ornament Raffle Ticket

Handmade by Colin Verdi


Nobody knows whose beheaded Pierrot clown ornament it was or how it came into your parents’ possession. Never something they would buy, it has always just…existed. Each year someone threatened to throw this creepy clown out. But no matter who packed up Christmas the year before, there it was as you unwrapped the ornaments at the start of the season. “It’s like it follows you around,” they say. You just smile and hang it up again.

• Made by Colin Verdi
• One of a kind
• 5 inches x 4 inches
• Materials: Sculpey clay, aluminum foil, wire, Mr. Super Clear, soft pastels, watercolor pencils, glitter, acrylic paint, lace trim

• All proceeds from raffle tickets will be donated to The Ali Forney Center, whose mission is to protect homeless Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning youth from the harms of homelessness and empower them with the tools needed to be independent.

Inspired by Under Investigaytion

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Handmade by Colin Verdi”

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